Giv dig selv en forfriskende og opkvikkende oplevelse fra morgenstunden!
I den sidste del af badet drejer du gradvist temperaturen nedad, for til sidst at få en dejligt kølig afvaskning. Det kræver lidt mod, men jeg lover dig, at det opkvikker gevaldigt, ligesom det tydeligvis aktiverer blodomløbet i huden.
Det kan anbefales at bruge fint salt i badet. Ved at skrubbe huden godt under badet får man ekstra gang i blodomløbet og kan gradvist sænke vandets temperatur uden at det føles koldt. Det er en virkelig god måde at få en intens “spa-oplevelse” i sit eget hjem og fint salt er jo nærmest gratis i forhold til diverse andre “skrubbe-produkter”.
Det var efter at en kollega fortalte om sine gode oplevelser med kolde bade, at jeg lærte om alle de positive effekter kolde bade har på huden og immunforsvarets funktion.
God beskrivelse af et koldt bad
Time on the alarm clock — 05:01 a.m.
Dragging my body out of the comforts of my favorite place on the planet. Entering the bathroom. Looking at the shower. My eyes are aiming at the blue dot on the shower commands.
I took a step back. Took a deep breath. This is rebellion I thought again. Can’t let my mind have a saying in this. I’m not doing anything rational right now.
I set the temperature to Ice cold. Water started pouring down. I jumped in before my mind had a thing to add.
It burns at first. Like a stream of fire is flowing down your body. Next thing you know, you are grasping for breath. There is a strong tightening sensation in your chest. I’m getting reborn – it feels like. After a minute, you get used to the temperature. It is far from pleasant, but it gets bearable. With every passing second, you start feeling this immense rush of energy. It feels astonishing. Like a victory. First one today. A grand battle is soon to be over. Your mind and body are not begging to go back to the comfort of the dreamland anymore. They are in alignment with your goals. Eager to get going. You are ready for the battle royale.
I’m getting out of the shower like a Wolverine after instantly regenerating from the bullet wounds. Wanting to shout out from the top of my lungs. It feels fantastic.
Time on the alarm clock — 05:12 a.m.
Carpe Diem.